Sunday, August 29, 2010

Water at home

Having just returned from four months travelling around Western Australia and the Northern Territory - hiking over 600km of trail through gorges with waterfalls - I was a little surprised by how much water we saw in Mt Remarkable National Park, and, by how much I enjoyed this hike near home.

Mt Remarkable National Park

I have hiked here three or four times over the past five years. I was impressed. Green was everywhere, the creeks flowing, even large waterfalls. Lots of roos munching on green grass. A winter wonderland.

A great weekend hiking a track I had wanted to do for a number of years. We hiked from Mambray Creek campground along Mambray Creek Track, over Black Range - climbing up 500 metres - through to the Racecourse Track in the shadow of Mt Remarkable summit. We walked along Spring Creek, strongly flowing, we crossed the creek more than a dozen times. In all, we did water crossings over twenty times, far more than I had done in the entire 1,200 kilometre Heysen Trail.

We spent the night at the very nice Grays Hut, in the Racecourse clearing. A modern hut built around the ruins of an old dairy farmer's hut.

Download kml file to view in Google Earth or adapt to use as a navigational aid in a GPS unit


Black Range Trek, Mt Remarkable National Park
Saturday Sunday
28/08/2010 29/08/2010
Mambray Creek campground to Grays Hut via Sping Creek Grays Hut to Mambray Creek campground
Distance 22.1km 16.1km
Start Time 8.15am 8.20am
End Time 3.30pm 12.25pm
Moving Duration 4h50m 3h24m
Stationary Duration 2h30m 41m
Moving Average 4.2km/h 4.5km/h
Overall Average 2.8km/h 3.7km/h
Oodometer 22.1km 38.2km


  1. Fantastic blog site - will inspire me to get my own adventure-telling site up and running. How do you like using to do the mapping? Did you use a GPS or you can draw the route after without it?
    Thanks, and great job!
    Billy (from Dartmoor).

  2. Billy - thanks!

    I don't have your email address so I leave a reply here in case you are following the comments

    I don't really use very much, just load up a few major trails to it as it is the best way to share GPS data with others.

    I use a handheld GPS device to create the maps. A Garmin Oregon 450t which is nice (it does have a few software issues though), I've been using this for a couple of months now since my Garmin Etrex Legend ran away while I was in Darwin.

