10:59 we named our team, that being our goal to do the 50km event in that time. We almost did, but easily made it in before sunset - 11h39m.
The Trailblazer Challenge
50km: Adelaide Oval to Mt Lofty summit
50km: Adelaide Oval to Mt Lofty summit
On the next stage to Morialta, Tim and I discovered just how much fitter we were than this time last year, we hiked from Gorge Road up Ambers Gully up to the fire track (from which you can see Black Hill) without stopping once. Woah dude. Felt good.
The stage through Horsnell Gully up to the radio tower checkpoint was as tough and unrelenting as last time, not because it is particularly steep but because it just goes on fooorever. From the radio tower checkpoint to Mt Lofty summit is always a pleasant walk, the sun was getting lower and filtered through the tall forest trees creating a spectacular sight, whilst being a shady walk.
Kudos to Kate for picking us up at Mt Lofty, armed with a selection of cold beers. Sweet as.
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